Classified its base oil are (Group I: SN-150, SN-500, SN-600, BS-150) (Group II: 150N/500N) (GROUP III (4CST, 6CST, 8CST)
Main Application
The rest being made up of additives. The traditional method of producing base oils is to feed straight-run fuel oil into a Vacuum Distillation column, the output of which can either go into fuels processing or be fed into a solvent extraction plant. Our company base has been recommended base oil by our major clients in Africa and the rest of the world as the best base oil that can be used to manufacture products the fluid is further treated to remove unwanted properties such as wax, Sulphur, and aromatics. Unlike most other oil and chemical products, there is no industry standard for base oils. Most refineries manufacture different quality base oils. In automotive usage, viscosity index, pourpoint, oxidation stability and volatility are important, but there are other important criteria for measuring base oils in industrial applications for example.